0 0 Movement for Good We are asking everyone in the Chime community to nominate us for the chance to win £1000 from Movement for Good. Wednesday 10 July 2024 The Benefact Group run a Movement for Good campaign every year, where they give £1 million pounds to charities all over the UK and Ireland. We have registered Chime to be part of this fantastic opportunity. This means that Chime now goes into the three remaining draws for the year, with an opportunity to win STG£1000! The more we are nominated, the more chance we have of winning. So, we are asking everyone in our Chime community to nominate us. But don't forget, the name we are registered under is "National Association for the Deaf" and when you are asked what type of charity we are, click "Community". Here's a short video to show you how to nominate us: How to Nominate Video. Don't forget, nominate us now. Go to movementforgood.com/#nominateACharity Search for and select: National Association for the Deaf Choose 'Community' for the type of charity Fill in your Details Hit the nominate button Tags [EasyDNNnewsLink|0] More links http://vimeo.com/982017765?share=copy How to Nominate Video