_Meet our


Chime works in collaboration with a range of stakeholders to deliver and improve services and outcomes for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.


Funding and partners

We work closely with Government Departments and public agencies to promote the funding and development of Chime services. We also advocate for policy change, and the improvement of services and access generally, for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. 

These include the Department of Health, HSE, Department of Social Protection, Pobal, Department of Education and the NCSE amongst others.   

Chime also works in partnership with other charities and organisations who work with the Deaf Community and in the wider disability movement. 

These include organisations such as Deaf Village Ireland, Irish Deaf Society, Sign Language Interpreting Service, Deaf Sports Ireland, National Disability Services Association and Disability Federation of Ireland

We are proud to say that Chime also works very closely with our partner organisation Our New Ears – a parent-led organisation comprising parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. 

_Get to know

Our New Ears

Our New Ears
3 parent and child bubbles