
Social Work Team

There may be times in your life when you are faced with some difficult challenges. Our Social Work Team is here to help you find your way.

_Get to know your

Social Work Team

Are you a Deaf of Hard of Hearing person going through a tough time? Sometimes life can feel overwhelming. Chime’s Social Work Team is here for you and we’re ready to help. Our team is available across our network of National Resource Centres and we work with people of all ages including:

  • Parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children
  • People with acquired hearing loss and tinnitus
  • Members of the Deaf community

If you are experiencing mental health difficulties, it is important to know that there are services available: The Liaison Mental Health Service for the Deaf community provided by the HSE and based in DVI accepts referrals from other doctors (such as GPs or Psychiatrists). An ISL interpreter who is experienced in working in the area of mental health will be provided. This service is available to individuals aged 18 to 65 years.


Dr Aidan Collins,

Liason MHS for the Deaf Community,

Thomas Mahon Building,

Ratoath Road,

Dublin 7.


_Social care for

Children and parents

If you are the parent of a Deaf or Hard of Hearing child, and you or a member of your family is struggling with issues, such as family relationships or mental health difficulties, our Social Work Team is here to help you. 

We are here to listen to you and your child, answer your questions, explore your options and make a plan that suits you and your family.

_Social care for

Deaf and Hard of Hearing adults

Are you a Deaf or Hard of Hearing adult who is going through some emotional issues, such as bereavement, mental health or social isolation? Chime’s Social Work Team is here for you.

_Your questions,


  • You can contact any Chime office by phone, text or email socialwork@chime.ie.

  • The Social Work service is free of charge.

  • Yes. All our social workers use Irish Sign language and have FETAC qualifications in ISL or an interpreter will be provided if necessary.


  • Yes. We have 12 resource centres around Ireland and we can link you with the social worker closest to you.

_Get in touch

Connect with us

If you would like to talk to the Chime Social Work Team, simply get in touch directly through any Chime centre.