_Working closely with

Health professionals

If you are a health professional supporting a Deaf or Hard of Hearing person, you may be interested in learning more about the supports and services we provide.

_Supports for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Children and young adults

We have a Multi-Disciplinary Team that supports children and young adults with complex needs and offers support to professionals in Progressing Disability Services and primary care who are working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing young people. Click here to find out more.

We also have a Children’s and Families Support Team who work with families and children from the time of diagnosis onwards. The team provides one-to-one support and a programme of social and educational events. To learn more, click here.

Our Social Work Team works with families who are experiencing challenges, including Deaf parents and families with Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. Click here for more information.

The Explore Mentor programme supports teenagers and young adults transitioning from school to further education and/or employment. Click here to find out more.

_Supports for Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Our dedicated team of qualified audiologists provide independent, hearing aid services. Find out more here.

We have a Social Work Team and a team of Community Resource Officers providing a range of supports to Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.  Click here to find out more about our Social Work Team and click here to find out more about our Community Services.

Chime also has a team of Tinnitus Advisors that support people struggling with
tinnitus. Click here for more information.

For Deaf adults who have additional needs we have a Day Service based in Cabra and offer a Residential Home service.


Technology services

Technology can play a significant role in addressing barriers for Deaf and Hard of
Hearing people and enhancing independence. From the home, to school and the
workplace, Chime technology services can help!

EduTech provides learning technology which has been designed to empower Deaf
and Hard of Hearing children to reach their full potential. It is particularly helpful in
the home, school and college. To learn more, click here.

Lifetech provides a range of technology for the home and the workplace, from
flashing alarms and doorbells, to adapted smoke alarms and assistive listening
devices. To find out more, click here or visit our online shop.

_Irish Sign Language

Interpreting Services

Irish Sign Language (ISL) is now Ireland’s third official language since the passing of
the Irish Sign Language Act in 2017. The Act underpins the Right of Deaf people to
access any public services through ISL on request. Health professionals working in
public services need to be aware of this.

ISL interpreters can be booked through a number of interpreting agencies. Further
information is available from the Sign Language Interpreting Service, see www.slis.ie