Since its beginnings in 1964, The National Association for the Deaf, now known as Chime, has been a beacon of support and connection. As a company limited by guarantee, Chime operates without a share capital, proudly embracing its charitable status (CHY 5633) and as a registered entity with the Charities Regulatory Authority (Charity Registration Number 20008772).
Chime is governed by a Constitution, which was last amended in 2018.
Role & Structure of the Board and Sub Committees
The Board is responsible for the overall control, governance and management of Chime and oversees the organisation to ensure transparency and best practice in all areas.
The Board has specific responsibility to:
- ensure the organisation is carrying out its charitable purposes for the public benefit;
- act in compliance with Chime’s Constitution;
- oversee the strategic direction of the organisation and monitor the implementation of its strategic plans;
- monitor legal, regulatory and reporting compliance;
- manage Chime’s resources responsibly including directly authorising any borrowings and all expenditure above €50,000;
- identify and manage risk;
- review the performance of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO);
- act in the best interests of the charity;
Responsibility for the day-to-day management of Chime is delegated to the CEO, who is directly accountable to the Board and who makes decisions that are in accordance with the agreed strategic direction.
Code of Conduct
On appointment, all Directors are required to sign up to Chime’s Code of Conduct, which includes a Conflict of Interest Policy and register of Directors’ Interests.
Board Sub Committees
The Board operates a number of sub committees which enhances Board oversight of the key activities of Chime. The committees are as follows:
- The Finance, Audit and Governance Committee is in place to review all matters relating to the financial affairs of Chime. The Directors who comprise the Committee are Kevin Coleman (Chair), Deirdre Nicholl and Ciarán McCormack.
- The HR, Remuneration and Nominations Committee was established to provide strong oversight of Board recruitment and Staff Remuneration and HR activity. The Directors who comprise the Committee are Thomas Maguire (Chair), Sandra Creagh and John O’Hehir.
- The Commercial Development and Brand Committee was established to oversee the development of assistive technology services, fundraising and brand development. The Directors who comprise the Committee are Pat Flynn (Chair) and Ciarán McCormack.
- The Services Committee was established in 2021 to oversee the quality, safety and effectiveness of Chime’s service delivery by reviewing activities and facilitating planning and discussion of service plans. The Directors who comprise the Committee are Jennifer Robertson (Chair) and Thomas Maguire.